Wednesday, 10 February 2016


1984- George Orwell.
Genre- Utopian and Dystopian fiction.

     Since time immemorial, humans have yearned to learn about the future in the present itself. That is because, there is a certain kind of curiosity attached with the knowledge of the future owing to it’s mysterious nature. Now don’t you think that someone might have already cracked this mystery? A certain person could have predicted the future of the mankind just right?


 Eminent scientists like Einstein and Stephen Hawkings had predicted the takeover of artificial intelligence over the natural. Orwell in this book, has tried to express the same worry through a story- such unpredictable and much alluring. 
    Now imagine a world, where every movement of yours is recorded. There is a certain someone/something keeping a watch on everything that you do day and night. You are not even left alone for a moment. This world, where the Tele screen (which keeps a watch on you) is the reality and the concept of ‘privacy’ is passé. Now to give you an idea of how the tele screen works, you can take the reference of the reality shows- Big Boss and Big Brother; only difference is that you don’t get any brownie points for living a life like that. You have to live like that under constant surveillance, so that you obey every order of the ultimate figure in authority- The Big Brother. The only person to whom you can show any love, loyalty or respect is the big brother, whose existence by the way isn’t specified but isn’t questioned either. Now would you survive in a world like that? Let me answer that for you- You certainly won’t. But guess what the catch is? You will have to live anyway,

      The Big Brother is the focusing point for love, reverence, and emotions. Below him, comes the inner party- number limited to 6 million. And below that, comes the Outer Party. If the Inner Party can be regarded as the ‘brain’ of the state, then the Outer Party might as well be referred to as it’s hands. And the speck of dust at the feet of this structure, can be regarded as the Proles- the relatively submissive and ‘dumb’ section consisting of 85% of the entire population.
     Winston Smith, the protagonist of the story is one such rebel who wishes to gain his freedom. According to him, “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two equals to four. If that is granted, all else follows.” All he wanted was a world in which he could live the way he wished to, without facing any objection. He believed that he could construct a world like that for himself by using his luck, cunningness and boldness. Now what lies at his receiving end- success or failure? That is something you ponder on while reading the story, whose answer you get only by the end.

    Why should you read this book?

-One can assert complete control over you and your life by keeping a track of everything that you do. That is the underlying philosophy practiced by the Big Brother and his party. In today’s world where our likes and dislikes, transactions, whereabouts can be tracked by technology easily, we surely have a reason to worry. It won’t be long until the idea of Big Brother is incorporated not only in reality TV shows, but in our real life too. You never know! *grins*

Overall, I would rate the book 4/5.

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