Tuesday, 14 June 2016

CONJURING 2- Movie review

    Since time immemorial horror flicks have used the tried and tested cliché, that the 'shy' ghost decides to show itself only to that one person (preferably the youngest and naïvest) whose claims are bound to get dismissed by his friends. The revelation of a presence of that ghost to everyone is considered either as the climax or the end of the film. Story and Direction wise James Wan has been clear in his approach to staying away from this cliché by keeping the ghosts in conjuring 2 as 'bold' and beautiful. *grins*

Conjuring 2, thankfully doesn't use any cheap thrills or scare tactics to make you panic every now and then. What it offers you instead, is a TERROR that builds up as the story progresses.

There is something specifically attractive about a horror flick, which apart from giving the essential 'WOAHs' 'OMGs',  has got a substantive plot to offer you as well. That way you are ensured that if not the chills and screams, it at least gives you a story to ruminate on.
Another interesting aspect about Conjuring and Conjuring 2 is that, although the movies aren't connected to each other as far as the plot is concerned, there is a certain reason why events happen the way they do and a kind of link is established.
The climax would still make sense even if you don't try to figure out the link. Although reasoning out the climax by linking it to the previous film would leave you astounded.
Simply put, Conjuring leaves you with certain questions unanswered in your mind; conjuring 2 answers all of them IF you pay close attention. *winks*
To talk about the negative aspect of the film, there are certain scenes which don't make any sense with respect to the plot of the film. But again, you can always consider them as those questions to be answered in the next film.

If you are someone who is going to the film expecting your lover to hold your hand and scream and shout every now and then, maybe it is not the right film for you.
Verdict- I am never watching a horror flick in a theater again.
Oh I mean, 4.5

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